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Self regulation and self care through positive discipline

Event Date
Saturday November 16th, 2019
2 p.m.
Yokohama International School Library
258 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa

In this workshop we will explore strategies for understanding and caring for our emotions and ourselves. Learning will take place via experiential activities and conversations, and will aim to deepen parents' understanding of their own and their children's emotional lives.

In this workshop we will explore strategies for understanding and caring for our emotions and ourselves. Learning will take place via experiential activities and conversations, and will aim to deepen parents’ understanding of their own and their children’s emotional lives.

Presented by Cristina Varriale, MS Ed, CPDT, Seisen International School Counselor & Hillary Hewins, MA, Yokohama International School Director of Counseling

Location: Yokohama International School Library

To register or for more information, email [email protected]
Free and open to the public
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