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Volunteer at TELL

Give your time and talent in service to TELL, whether on the Lifeline, working on special projects, or at fundraising events. Volunteerism is a great way to build your resume, learn about the needs in your community, meet new people, and most importantly, give back to the community.

Examples of areas in which we are usually very happy to have a helping hand include database management and translation.

Why Do People Volunteer with TELL?

Where Can You Volunteer?

All Lifeline Support Workers are required to undergo a thorough training and apprenticeship before going on the line. Click here for more details about the training. If you have questions about the training, please contact the Training Manager at [email protected].

TELL’s events throughout the year are crucial to our fundraising and awareness efforts. We need people to help in a variety of ways, from set-up and registration, to take down and clean up. If you are interested in helping, please complete the form below.

There can be opportunities for volunteers to help out in the TELL business office, especially at busy times of the year and when we have special projects in hand. Please indicate your skills in the comments section of the form below.

Please keep in mind office projects are limited. If you are not interested or available to volunteer on the Lifeline, please join our volunteer mailing list where we send out updates about volunteer opportunities and projects we need help with.

What Does a Lifeline Support Worker Do?

If you are accepted into the program, you will complete training to become a qualified Lifeline Support Worker. As a Lifeline volunteer, you will respond to people who contact the line, no matter who they are or what they are going through and offer support on the phone or through web chat. You will listen to what’s going on with the person who has contacted you. If appropriate, you might share information or resources about other organizations or services, or introduce safety plans.

TELL Volunteer Application Form

Interested in volunteering for us? Please fill out the below form and we will be in touch with information about our upcoming events and other opportunities.

Please note: We do not provide room, board, or working visas in Japan.