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"Eating Disorder Prevention: From Efficacy to Implementation" by Dr. Eric Stice

Event Date
Saturday October 28th, 2017
Azabu Hall Student Lounge, Temple University, Japan Campus

A special lecture by Dr. Eric Stice on eating disorders prevention (with consecutive translation)

Dr. Eric Stice, a renowned expert in the field of eating disorders and its prevention, will present the latest research evidence on risk factors and prevention program implementation.
日時: 2017年10月28日(土) 午前10時~午後12時30分 (午前9時30分開場)
会場:  テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス・麻布校舎1階学生ラウンジ [MAP]
定員: 100名
Date: Saturday October 28th, 10:00-12:30 (doors open at 9:30)
Venue: Azabu Hall Student Lounge, Temple University, Japan Campus [MAP]
Fee: 3,000 yen
Max no. of audience: 100 people
メールアドレス:eatingdisorders @telljp.com
Contact information
TELL Eating Disorders Program coordinator
eatingdisorders @telljp.com
※ If you do not receive an email reply within 3 office days please contact TELL Counseling at 03-4550-1146 during weekdays between 10am-5pm.
米テキサス大学准教授を経て、現在はOregon Research Instituteの上級科学研究員。主な研究テーマは、摂食障害、肥満、薬物乱用、及びうつ病の発症を予測するリスク因子の特定で、これらの疾患の予防や治療プログラムの開発、評価そして普及にも取り組む。なかでも認知的不協和理論を基に開発された身体受容・摂食障害予防プログラムは世界125カ国の350万人の若い女性たちに実施された実績をもつ。国際的な学術論文誌に多数の論文を発表しており、過去の受賞歴には、米国国立精神保健研究所のキャリア賞、米国心理学会(APA)の優秀科学賞、予防研究学会のナン・トブラー賞、米国摂食障害協会(NEDA)のロリ・アーヴィング賞などがある。
Dr. Stice served as an assistant professor and associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, and subsequently took a position as Senior Research Scientist at Oregon Research Institute. His research focuses on identifying risk factors that predict onset of eating disorders, obesity, substance abuse, and depression, including the use of functional neuroimaging and the role of genetics in the etiology of these public health problems. His research also focuses on designing, evaluating, and disseminating prevention and treatment interventions for eating disorders obesity, and depression. For instance, he developed a dissonance-based body acceptance/eating disorder prevention program that has been implemented with 3.5 million young girls in 125 countries. He has published 244 articles in high-impact outlets, including Science, Psychological Bulletin, Archives of General Biological Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology Review, and Journal of Neuroscience. He received a Career Award from the National Institutes of Health, a Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contributions to Psychopathology from the American Psychological Association, the Nan Tobler Award from the Society for Prevention Research, and the Lori Irving Award for Excellence in Eating Disorder Prevention and Awareness from the National Eating Disorders Association. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

共催: テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス
Event co-host: Temple University Japan Campus
後援 日本摂食障害協会(JAED)
Event supported by: Japan Association for Eating Disorders (JAED)