Title: Golfing for Health and to Celebrate TELL’s 50th Anniversary
When: Saturday April 29th @ 9:00 AM
Where: Eastwood CC near Utsunomiya, Tochigi < https://www.eastwoodcc.jp>
Price: 18,900yen (this includes a 3,000 yen donation to become a TELL Hero <https://telljp.com>). The play fee includes lunch and an after-party. The donation makes you a ‘TELL Hero’.
Prizes: Lots of great prizes for low scores, near pins, long drives and long putts/hole outs. You will also be entered in that month’s Jarman International Virtual Charity Cup. This is a 100,000 yen prize for the lowest Shin Peoria round of the month.
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
to reserve your place