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Yotsuya Yui Clinic

Provides medical consultation and counseling services dealing with mental illness/health, alcoholism, menopause, culture shock, and more. Multiple languages offered, but only during certain days and hours. Please see website for more details.
website link - https://yotsuya-yui.jp/subtopE.html
Postal Code: 162-0845
English Hours: Varies on opening hours Reception time: Mon, Wed, Sat 10:00-17:00 Tue, Thurs 10:00-19:00
Days of Service: Mon 10:00~13:00、14:30~17:30 Tue・Thur 10:00~13:00、14:30~19:00 Wed  10:00~13:00、14:00~17:00 Sat 9:30~13:00、14:00~18:00 Closed Friday, Sunday, Holiday
Languages Spoken: Japanese, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean (please see website for times in which specific language services are offered)