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Motorcycle Licenses

JAF License translation. Otsuka – 03-5976-9716; Azabudai – 03-3578-1471._x000b_All motorcycles need licenses, but those 250cc and under do not need shaken (safety check). Those over 250 cc must be taken to your local Riku Un Kyoku (Road Traffic Office) every 2 years for inspection. Test fee about Yen 5,000; 2 years of insurance, about Yen 70,000. Any nonstandard bike will have a hard time passing inspection (brakes, lights, tires).
03-5976-9716 Otsuka/03-3578-1471 Azabudai
English Hours: 09:00-16:00 / Monday-Friday
Languages Spoken: Ask for an English speaker