If your life is in danger, call the police at 110

Morning after pill (general information)

Legal in Japan. Must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. May be prescribed by: Tokyo Medical and Surgical (03-3436-3028) International Clinic (03-3583-7831)Azabu-dai, 1-5-9. Hibiya line, near Roppongi Stn Dr. Kiyokawa (0474-38-3321) Funabashi Shiritsu Iryo Center AMDA has information about other sources: AFTER HOURS:On Sunday, try Clinic Angela (03-3943-0632). Provides the morning after pill and the doctor speaks English. Located in Komagome and is open until 8pm. Himawari (the emergency medical service) is available at 03-5285-8180 (English) and is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. everyday including weekends and holidays and they can refer callers to gynecologists who are available at that time/day/date. The person may answer you in Japanese, but just ask for an English speaker or say ‘Can you speak English?” and they put you through to another phone.