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HealthyTokyo.com provides travellers and residents in Japan with access to qualified English-speaking health and wellness providers. Our website and free apps give access to three categories of partners in our network; 1) Medical Partners—English-speaking doctors and dentists, 2) Wellness Coaches—Fitness trainers, yoga instructors and other experts, 3) Healthy Partners—Organic food, restaurants, gyms, massage specialists, spas, martial arts centers and other experts in beauty and the healing arts. The basic membership with full access to the health and wellness network is free. Members who upgrade to a premium plan receive additional benefits including access to a live bilingual concierge who will assist with locating the appropriate caregivers and making appointments. Premium members also get access to special offers and discounts as well as free introductory sessions with Wellness Coaches. The language barrier can be a major issue for foreigners in Japan, especially when seeking healthcare. HealthyTokyo offers the perfect solution for foreigners to overcome this communication issue. The HealthyTokyo team also works hard to find, screen and build a network of the finest health and wellness products and services in Japan.
+81 90 3035 1407
Fax: +81 50 7518 0076
Postal Code: 106-0047