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Gratitude in Abundance: A Heartfelt Thank You

Gratitude in Abundance: A Heartfelt Thank You

Gratitude in Abundance: A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Donors, Sponsors, Partners, Clinicians, Volunteers, and Staff

April 1, 1973 was the first time TELL trained volunteers answered the Lifeline. We have embarked on a yearlong celebration of our 50th anniversary. While it is the beginning of the calendar year, we still have our final quarter of celebration to go. Please watch this space for more exciting announcements to come.

As I reflect on my first year as Executive Director, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey we’ve taken together in advancing mental health awareness and support. Your unwavering commitment and generosity have played a pivotal role in shaping the success of our initiatives at TELL.

This year, more than ever, the importance of mental health has been at the forefront of our collective consciousness. The challenges we faced globally only underscored the necessity of fostering a compassionate and understanding community. Your support has been instrumental in our ability to provide vital resources, support networks, and educational programs to those in need.

Thanks to your contributions, we’ve been able to implement various programs that have made a tangible impact on the lives of countless individuals:

Lifeline: Your support enabled us to extend our lifeline support to weekends with 24-hour coverage.

Counselling: With your help, we continue to provide subsidized counseling for those who may not be able to afford professional counseling services. 

Outreach: We hosted informative workshops and seminars, reaching diverse communities to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote mental well-being.

The impact of your generosity is immeasurable, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for being an integral part of our mission. It is your belief in our cause that empowers us to continue making strides toward a more compassionate and understanding society.

In the coming year, we are excited to embark on new endeavors, and we hope to continue counting on your support. Together, we can break down the barriers surrounding mental health and build a future where everyone feels heard, understood, and supported.

Once again, thank you for being a beacon of hope for those navigating the complexities of mental health. Your kindness is changing lives and making a meaningful difference.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe 2024! 

With heartfelt gratitude, Royanne

TELL Executive Director

P.S. If you are in the mood to start of the year on a positive note, here is the link to help fund a pilot program. We are exploring the possibility of a month of toll-free costs on the lifeline.