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Fifty Years With You

Fifty Years With You

With the start of February, we are just eight weeks away from the start of our year long 50th anniversary celebration!

As we enter our 50th year, we wish to pay tribute to so many of you – our superheroes – who have helped to make TELL the great organization that it is. We hope you will join us in reflecting on our years of supporting the community’s mental health needs and celebrating our role in changing the lives of people struggling with mental health issues. 

We’re excited to look back over the last 50 years and celebrate the incredible dedication of our volunteer support workers, our staff, and clinicians who have helped us deliver our ever growing range of mental health services to the community. While we will spend time over the coming year reflecting on our history and growth, it’s also vital that we look forward as the challenges of COVID-19, coupled with increasing economic challenges, have seen an increase in the number of people of all ages, but particularly young people struggling with mental health issues. 

We have a bold vision for the future of mental health care, and we are working hard to make it a reality. Our long term goal for a 24-hour service seven days a week and access to affordable mental health support is closer than ever. We believe it takes a village to create a sustainable, healthy community, and we can’t do it alone. 

Our goal is 50 million yen in donations across our 50th year. One million for every year of service. We need your help, your donations do make a real difference, and together we do change people’s lives. 

We welcome everyone to join the celebration of our 50th anniversary in one form or another, and we promise to be here for another fifty years!

To purchase a ticket, please visit tellevents.org. To make a donation, please visit our website.

To be a special 50th year-long sponsor or to sponsor a TELL event/program in our 50th year, please reach out to [email protected].