‘Take a minute, change a life’ this World Suicide Prevention Day
TELL is organizing suicide prevention and awareness walks all across Japan to mark World Suicide Prevention Day this September.
The Invisible Expatriates: Trailing Spouses and Children
“Depression is a common problem for people battling cultural adjustment issues, and the difficulty of adapting to life in a new country can put relationships under stress, compounding any stresses that existed within the family prior to the move.”
The invisible expatriates: support for trailing spouses and children
“Depression is a common problem for people battling cultural adjustment issues, and the difficulty of adapting to life in a new country can put relationships under stress, compounding any stresses that existed within the family prior to the move.”
Intern Maggie Jennings, In Her Own Words
Hi, I’m Maggie Jennings and I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I’m a rising junior at Wellesley College, where I study Computer Science and Japanese, though I also have a strong interest in psychology.
Summer Intern Maggie Jennings, In Her Own Words
Hi, I’m Maggie Jennings and I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I’m a rising junior at Wellesley College, where I study Computer Science and Japanese, though I also have a strong interest in psychology.
TELL Expands Distance Counseling for Japan Residents
Your mental health is as important as your physical health, and we know how hard it can be to find a therapist outside the major cities in Japan.
TELL Expands Distance Counseling for Japan Residents Outside the Tokyo Area
Your mental health is as important as your physical health, and we know how hard it can be to find a therapist outside the major cities in Japan.
Donate to the 2016 TELL Connoisseurs’ Auction
As announced in our last newsletter, TELL will host our 21st Annual Connoisseurs’ Auction at the Ark Hills Club on Friday, November 11.
Interested in Donating to the 2016 TELL Connoisseurs’ Auction?
As announced in our last newsletter, TELL will host our 21st Annual Connoisseurs’ Auction at the Ark Hills Club on Friday, November 11.
Why Bill Gates is “Investing” (Another) $5 Billion in Africa and Africans
“When people aren’t healthy, they can’t turn their attention to other priorities. But when health improves, life improves by every measure.”
SAVE THE DATE: 2016 TELL Connoisseurs’ Auction
TELL will host our 21st Annual Connoisseurs’ Auction at the Ark Hills Club on Friday, November 11.
SAVE THE DATE: 2016 TELL Connoisseurs’ Auction Set for Friday, November 11
TELL will host our 21st Annual Connoisseurs’ Auction at the Ark Hills Club on Friday, November 11.