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Accepting Applications for Training

Accepting Applications for Training

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Every day for over 40 years TELL’s Lifeline has provided support to people all across Japan. We save lives, and we need help, so if you’re interested in giving back to the community in some way, we’re now accepting applications for our springtime volunteer phone counselor training module.

Our phone counselor training will teach you how to actively listen, be non-judgmental and empathetic to callers without being overwhelmed yourself. You’ll be surrounded by people with the same motivation as you.

Training takes place over a nine-week period, and most of the training is conducted online at times that suit you, with three Saturday workshops. You will have the opportunity to join group discussion forums, watch video presentations and practice your skills with trained Lifeline volunteers through telephone role-plays or in-room discussions. After you have graduated from the basic training you will undertake an apprenticeship on the Lifeline where you will receive additional support and guidance by experienced trainers and phone counselors.

Then, once you have graduated to a Lifeline Phone Counselor we ask for a 10-hour commitment per month for a minimum of 12 months. This is two four-hour shifts each month at times that suit your schedule and two hours of group support and supervision.

Follow this link to sign up: https://telljp.wpengine.com/lifeline/pctraining/

TOKYO | March 12-May 21
In-person sessions
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Saturday, May 21, 2016
KANSAI | February 27-May 14
In-person sessions
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Come join us!
If you have any queries about becoming a TELL Lifeline phone counselor, please call 03-4550-1191 or email:[email protected].