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Binocular Vision Advisors, LLC

Binocular Vision consults with English speaking expatriates caring for aging parents from overseas. For Americans the company consulting services can cover a variety of eldercare matters specific to the United States. Clients with elders in Canada or the U.S., engage us to select geriatric care manager candidates near a client’s parents. (Geriatric care managers are health and human services specialists who people engage to assist with eldercare matters, just as they engage an attorney or accountant to assist with legal or financial matters. Geriatric care managers are creative problem solvers who can manage elders’ healthcare, provide other direct services and assemble community based eldercare services.)
Lifeline Comment:
+1 510-931-5847 (from the U.S. and other countries besides Japan)
Postal Code: 102-0084
English Hours: English only
Days of Service: Sunday-Saturday