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After-hours Clinics – Yokohama

Yokohama Emergency Center (Yakan Kyubyou Center):

Call 045-212-3535 in Japanese. Open for emergency medical care 8:00-18:00.

Across from Sakuragi-cho station. Please bring Japanese speaker.

Bluff Clinic: 045-641-6961 Dr. Akashi lives in. 82 Yamate-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama.

Not available 24 hours but has an answering machine giving his contact number out of hours. English okay. Emergency number: 045-641-6964.

Yokohama Shimin Hospital: 045-331-1961 24 hour emergency service, Japanese only. For other after-hours information:Yokohama-shi Kyukyu Iryo Joho Senta: 045-201-1199 in Japanese will introduce caller to English speaking doctor if required.