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Spring 2022 Lifeline Support Worker Training

Spring 2022 Lifeline Support Worker Training

As we approach the end of 2021, you might be reflecting on what you have achieved this year and the skills and areas of your life you want to develop next year. Almost everyone believes they are a good listener, but effective active listening takes work! Providing support to the English-speaking community can be an excellent way to develop your listening skills and give back, and this support is more essential than ever as we continue to live through the pandemic.

The next Support Worker training will be starting in February and involves an initial 10 week period teaching the listening skills and how to apply them effectively on both the phone and chat platforms. The training is delivered online and involves watching presentations, reading, journaling, role-play to practice your skills, and also weekly seminars. There are approximately 8 hours of work to complete each week of the 10 weeks.  Volunteers also need to complete an apprenticeship period, which involves supervised shifts on the lifeline and longer role-play practice on set topics. Typically the training takes 4-5 months to complete in total.

Key Dates:
 training: February 12th – April 24th
Online Mandatory sessions: 12th or 13th February; 26th or 27th March; 23rd or 24th April

For further details, see the training pages on the TELL website or contact Jane at [email protected]