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TELL Volunteer Voices with Mimi

mimi iwasaki

Read TELL Volunteer Voices with Mimi: Why Mental Health? What does it mean to you? Mental health is just as fundamental as my physical health. Mental health is also about practicing mindfulness and being wholehearted. This is something I only realized through self-reflection over the last year. In the past, I associated the term ‘Mental […]

TELL Volunteer Voices with TJ

tj ino

TELL Volunteer Voices with TJ: Why Mental Health? What does it mean to you? So many, if not, all of our biggest problems can be traced back to mental health; from our finances to our physical health to our relationships, etc. When we are more educated about mental health, psychology and neurology then we can […]

Welcome to the TELL Board, Akemi Suzuki

Akemi Suzuki

Welcome to the TELL Board, Akemi Suzuki. Akemi is a Japanese attorney licensed in Japan and New York and has been a Partner in the Tokyo office of Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu since 2011. In addition to advising multinational companies on cross-border corporate transactions and privacy issues, she is passionate about diversity, sustainability, and human rights issues and serves on NO&T’s Diversity & […]

TELL STEP UP Community Voice by AFWJ

Stacy C's walking photo.

Read the TELL STEP UP Community Voice by AFWJ: A Step Closer Together I am supporting STEP UP with the AFWJ Wonderwomen! AFWJ is the Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese.TELL is great. About six years ago, I felt overwhelmed with PTA, Gakudo, Kodomo Kai, Jichikai, a husband working long hours, rudimentary Japanese skills, and […]