If your life is in danger, call the police at 110
If your life is in danger, call the police at 110
In 2015 government statistics reported 1 in 4 Japanese women suffered abuse by their spouses. It is against the law for one person to assault another person, whether they are living together or not.
Domestic violence and abuse can happen to anyone regardless of size, gender, or strength, It happens between people of all racial, economic, educational, and religious backgrounds; in heterosexual and same-sex relationships; whether living together or separately with a partner, married or unmarried, in a short-term or long-term relationship, it can happen to you.
Noticing and acknowledging the warning signs and symptoms of domestic violence and abuse is the first step to ending it. No one should live in fear of another person.
If you answered ‘yes’ to even one of these questions, you may be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship.
Abuse can take many forms.
Even though survivors may experience similar types of abuse, the response to trauma may vary from person to person. Many factors can influence how a person responds to short- and long-term effects of the abuse, such as the frequency of abusive incidents, degree of severity and the effects on physical and mental health. The overall impact of domestic violence also depends on the individual’s natural reactions to stress and ways of coping with stressful situations. Other factors can include age in which the trauma occurred, previous exposure to unrelated traumatic incidents and extent of therapy or timing of intervention.
Some immediate health impacts may include:
Longer term health impacts may include:
Coping with the effects of domestic violence can be overwhelming with depression reported as the most common symptom experienced by survivors. However, abused survivors are not weak, submissive victims. It takes huge strength to live with an abusive partner. Women have to be strong and resourceful, adopting all kinds of coping strategies to survive each day.
World Health Organization 2000, Women and Mental Health: An Evidence Based Review, World Health Organisation, Geneva
All forms of abuse can have long lasting effects on your physical and mental health. Don’t hesitate to call us (03 5774 0992) if anything you read raises a red flag about your own relationship or that of someone you know.
You can’t stop your partner’s violence and abuse – only he/she can do that. You do have a choice about how to respond to him/her and how to get yourself and your children to safety.
Your Safety is the most important thing.
Having a safety plan is a way of protecting you (and your children) from Domestic Violence now and in the future. It helps you plan strategies in advance to deal with violence and abuse. A safety plan, including preparing an emergency kit, could also help you to think about your options to increase your safety if you stay in the relationship, or if you decide to leave.
It needs to incorporate an escape plan as well as practical strategies to improve your home and personal security. Safety planning is not about focusing on living in fear; it is about taking proactive steps to improve your and your children’s safety. It is about taking back control over your life. Safety plans need to be updated regularly, especially when things change such as a pregnancy, a new baby, or a change in living situation and should also include technology safety.
You can fill out a “rikon fujyuri moushidesho” (non-acceptance of divorce motion) form to prevent divorce without your consent which could have implications for custody and could invalidate your visa status if you are not a Japanese national. This form remains valid until cancelled by the applicant who filed it. Here is a video about this.
You can submit paperwork to prevent your new address from being shared with an abusive spouse/ex-spouse. When registering at the ward office/city hall, you will need to file a 住民基本台帳事務における支援措置申出書 (jyumin kihon daicho jimu ni okeru shien sochi moshideshou) – application form for support measures in basic resident registration affairs. When this application is made, the municipal governments will consult with the police, child welfare services, and other authorities to assess whether this is a necessary measure.
Like to know more?
If you’re hesitating- telling yourself that it is none of your business, you might be wrong, or the person might not want to talk about it- keep in mind that expressing your concern will let the person know that you care and may even save his or her life.
Speak up if you suspect domestic violence or abuse!
Child abuse is sadly an international reality that exists in all societies to varying degrees. Child abuse and domestic violence often occur in the same family. Researchers have found that 50 percent to 70 percent of the men who frequently assaulted their wives also frequently abused their children.
The World Health Organisation states –
TELL has established a network of various resources that are available in the community for people dealing with a variety of child protection issues. This program also provides workshops for professionals working closely with children in understanding and navigating the Japanese child protection system, as well as professional advice and consultation in terms of both prevention and intervention.