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Alisa Simonds

Okinawa Outreach Coordinator

Alisa is responsible for outreach in Okinawa

I was born and raised in the USA, mostly in Atlanta, GA. I grew up in a bicultural, bilingual Okinawan-American family.  In 2013, I came to Japan with the intention of backpacking around the country and reconnecting with my Japanese roots.  Over a decade later and I’m still here, having put down roots of my own on the beautiful island of Okinawa, bringing our family’s journey full circle around the globe!

My professional background can be summed up in one word: diverse.  I’ve worked in industries ranging from film and transportation to farming, hospitality, and education.  My love of getting to know new people and learning new skills is what has defined my professional life.

In 2021 I graduated with a Masters in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.  I am also a certified parenting coach.  My passion for human flourishing and emotional well-being has not only driven my studies but continues to be at the heart of what motivates me professionally.

I love spending time with my family (my husband and our two boys) and friends, and being in nature.  Combining all three is the perfect way to spend my weekends.  I also consider myself a lifelong learner, and I’m always looking for fresh perspectives and challenges that will help me grow – hello yoga, books, and Youtube!