Cyber Bullies On The Rise

“Research suggests that 20–30% of students will experience cyberbullying, while 10–20% of students at some point will become cyber bullies.”
TELL Welcomes New Executive Director

TELL would like to welcome Roberto De Vido as the new Executive Director.
Supporting LGBTQ Children

While caring for your own child, please remember your own emotional needs.
Phone Counseling in Kobe
Expansion accommodates Kansai-based volunteers, backs move to 24/7 Lifeline service
Fight Bullying at Schools

Certain groups are more vulnerable to bullying than others.
Fighting bullying at schools

Certain groups are more vulnerable to bullying than others.
Female Mental Health
Why women are at greater risk
Women’s Healthcare and Gender Equality

Women and Mental Health
Women's healthcare and gender equality

Women and Mental Health
Anti-Bullying Video Contest
TELL would like to thank all of the students who participated in our first Anti-Bullying Competition. Thank you everyone for Standing Up and making a difference.