TELL Is Now Accepting Applications for Spring Phone Counselor Training in Tokyo

Training dates: TOKYO | March 12-May 21
TELL’s Lifeline Handled Over 6,000 Calls in 2015

Lifeline Shift Coverage Improved from 92% in 2013 to 98% in 2015
Jill Joroff and TELL’s Exceptional Parenting Program

TELL’s Exceptional Parenting Program Coordinator, Jill Joroff is a Certified School Psychologist with masters degrees in both education and counseling/guidance. She has worked in several New Jersey public school districts doing testing, counseling and educational planning for children with special needs.
Jill Joroff Runs TELL’s Exceptional Parenting Program

TELL’s Exceptional Parenting Program Coordinator, Jill Joroff is a Certified School Psychologist with masters degrees in both education and counseling/guidance. She has worked in several New Jersey public school districts doing testing, counseling and educational planning for children with special needs.
You’ve Got Stress. Now What?

Last month, a revision to Japan’s Industrial Safety and Health Act obliged firms to offer annual stress tests to employees. That test, if you have not yet taken one, is likely to reveal that you, like millions of others, are under stress.
2015 Donation Tax Deductible Receipt

Tax deductible receipts for donation received in 2015 have been sent.
2015 Donation Tax Deductible Receipts

Tax deductible receipts for donation received in 2015 have been sent.
Reschedule 2016 Tell Mountain Challenge

Global Warming Update: TELL Mountain Challenge Postponed until Next Winter
Get Ready for the TELL Mountain Challenge!

Global Warming Update: TELL Mountain Challenge Postponed until Next Winter
Sandra Strnadt Gives TELL a Full-time Kansai Presence

Although it took us 42 years to travel the roughly 500 kilometers from Tokyo, in 2015 TELL not only opened a phone room in Kansai but also graduated our first class of Kansai-based telephone counselors. In December, cementing our commitment to the region, Sandra Strnadt joined TELL as our Kansai Coordinator.
Lifeline Volunteers Wanted: Help Us Go 24/7

In 2014, 25,000 people died by suicide in Japan, roughly 70 suicides every day. Suicide was also the leading cause of death for Japanese youths aged 10-19. Last year 4,600 Japanese youths died by suicide and another 157,000 instances of hospitalization for self-inflicted injuries were reported.
2015 Holiday Hours

TELL business office will be closed during the holidays on the following days: Dec. 23, 25, 31, Jan. 1