TELL Stories Micro-Donations Campaign

Meet the people who reach out to TELL.
Love You To Death: A Year Of Domestic Violence

A 2014 report by the UN found Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea were the top ranking countries for female homicides, with females accounting for 53% of the total homicide rates, compared to 21% globally. Of these deaths, 20% are the result of domestic violence, with a woman being killed by her intimate partner or ex-partner every three days in Japan. 1 in 3 wives experience some sort of domestic violence, physical, emotional, financial etc, and 1 in 20 a near-death experience.
Meet TELL’s New Outreach Coordinator

I joined the TELL team as Outreach Coordinator in October after admiring the organization for years and participating in various events.
Meet TELL’s New Outreach Coordinator

I joined the TELL team as Outreach Coordinator in October after admiring the organization for years and participating in various events.