International Women’s Day 2017 #beboldforchange

March 8th marks International Women’s Day. A day to celebrate the social, political, cultural and economic achievements women have made around the world. Since the first recorded International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1909, many positive changes have been seen, such as women’s right to work; to vote; to property; to control over their bodies and reproductive rights. However, while we recognise how far we have come, gender equality is still a distant ideal.
International 2017 Women’s Day #beboldforchange

March 8th marks International Women’s Day. A day to celebrate the social, political, cultural and economic achievements women have made around the world. Since the first recorded International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1909, many positive changes have been seen, such as women’s right to work; to vote; to property; to control over their bodies and reproductive rights. However, while we recognise how far we have come, gender equality is still a distant ideal.