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Toward a 24/7 Lifeline in 2016 | Join Us

For several years, one of TELL’s most important goals has been taking our Lifeline service 24/7. As you may have observed, we’re not there yet. So what’s the hold-up? Simply, we don’t have enough volunteer telephone counselors yet to bridge the nighttime hours consistently (we won’t move to 24-hour operation until we can consistently cover the overnight shifts).

Toward a 24/7 Lifeline

For several years, one of TELL’s most important goals has been taking our Lifeline service 24/7. As you may have observed, we’re not there yet. So what’s the hold-up? Simply, we don’t have enough volunteer telephone counselors yet to bridge the nighttime hours consistently (we won’t move to 24-hour operation until we can consistently cover the overnight shifts).