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Psychotherapist—Adult Individual & Couples Counseling / Children and/or Families

Jono is a multilingual (English, Japanese, Chinese) individual and is a family psychotherapist licensed in the United States.

Jono is experienced in applying a wide range of therapeutic interventions including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Schema Therapy, Art Therapy, Family Therapy, Trauma-Focused Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, and Psychodynamic Therapy to assist individuals and families in re-discovering hope and healing. His whole-person, strength-based therapy approach prioritizes the client’s dignity, empowerment, comfort, and success.

Jono specializes in addressing chronic depression, adjustment disorder, anxiety, panic attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Borderline Personality Disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), intercultural marriage, parenting issues, family conflicts, and substance abuse. He provides counseling in English, Japanese, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

Jono is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker, having graduated from the University of Washington with a Master of Social Work. He is originally from Hong Kong but studied abroad in Australia and has worked in both the United States and Japan. Jono has over 10 years of experience working with children, adults, and families.

In his free time, Jono enjoys spending time with family and friends, going shopping, and visiting cafes. He also enjoys reading, soccer, and playing music. Jono is also a collector and has a collection of action figures and plastic models, which he also enjoys building.

Key Concepts: multilingual, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Schema Therapy, Art Therapy, Family Therapy, Trauma-Focused Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, whole-person, strength-based therapy, dignity, empowerment, comfort, success, chronic depression, adjustment disorder, anxiety, panic attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Borderline Personality Disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), intercultural marriage, parenting issues, family conflicts, substance abuse, English, Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin.

o Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): a type of psychotherapy (talk therapy) that has a solution-oriented approach and aims to help process patient struggles from both a cognitive and behavioral perspective. The goal of CBT is to address negative thoughts (cognitive) or behaviors (behavioral) that are causing distress and focus on encouraging practical steps toward solving the problem at hand while tackling the anxiety that it may be causing. The basis of CBT rests on the idea that thoughts and feelings are what influence behaviors.

o Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): a type of therapy focused on actively rejecting the denial of internal thoughts and feelings, and recognizing them as reactions to situations one has experienced. This allows the individual to process such thoughts and feelings, and work to move past these obstacles blocking them from healing.

o Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT): a type of psychotherapy (talk therapy) similar to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is centered on mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. The goal is to reduce emotional distress and relationship struggles.

o Schema Therapy: a type of therapy that aims to work through “maladaptive schemas”, which are beliefs or perspectives on the self or others developed through unmet needs in childhood. The goal is to allow the individual to foster healthy relationships and decrease the distress caused by the adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s).

o Art Therapy: a type of therapy in which a client expresses themselves through an artistic / creative medium (typically focused on one medium), which the art therapist analyzes for ways to explore emotions on a deeper level that may be hard to express verbally.

o Trauma-Focused Therapy: a specific approach that understands how a traumatic experience impacts a person’s mental, behavioral, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. This type of therapy is based on understanding the connection between the trauma experience and their emotional and behavioral responses.

o Solution-Focused Therapy: a type of therapy that analyzes an individual’s current situation and encourages finding concrete solutions to confront problems and improve quality of life.

o Psychodynamic Therapy: a type of talk therapy similar to psychoanalytic therapy during which a client is invited to speak about whatever they feel they would like to. Psychodynamic therapy places a focus on how the individual interacts with their external environment.

o Whole-Person Strength-Based Therapy: is a collaborative process between the client and the therapist, allowing them to work together to determine an outcome that draws on the client’s strengths and assets.


Jono Lee 李恩祈先生 – 美國國家認可心理治療師 Psychotherapist

註冊臨床精神護理治療師 (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) / 

註冊獨立臨床治療社會工作者 (Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker)

資格 (Qualifications)

Jono Lee 李恩祈先生在美國出生, 成長於香港, 擁有美國華盛頓州的註冊臨床精神護理治療師執照, 同時也擁有註冊獨立臨床治療社會工作者執照。李先生畢業於美國華盛頓公立大學, 擁有社會工作學碩士學位, 過去十數年在美國西雅圖和日本東京執業, 提供輔導和各種心理治療服務。過去服務對象包括兒童, 少年, 成人, 家庭以至長者。服務範圍包括學校, 醫療設施, 社區精神護理診所, 殘障人士復康設施, 無家者庇護所等。李先生過去亦一直致力協助海外華裔社區及新移民群體, 正職外兼任西雅圖華埠仁人服務社非執行董事。李先生能以流利語、普通話及英語服務。

治療方法及背景 (Background and Therapy Approach)

Jono 李先生經歷過多次移民經驗, 曾經在香港, 加拿大, 澳洲, 和美國居住和生活, 深深明白到適應文化差異的困難, 與及在東西文化交匯的繁華大都會中的工作及生活上的壓力。Jono亦曾經歷過抑鬱症和焦慮症, 切身體會過被標籤”精神病患者”的負面壓力和不快。在每天瞬息萬變的生活中, 面對著各式各樣沉重的壓力, 往往讓人感到迷茫和室息。在這個讓精神病成了我們不敢正視和傾訴的社會中, 我們不免會感到孤立和望。然而 Jono李先生深信我們每個人總會在人生裡遇上低谷, 到困難。不幸, 憂鬱, 焦慮, 創傷乃是我們生命裡所經歷的一個階段。

Jono 李先生相信在困境之中, 我們不能孤身作戰, 亦不能忘記自己的尊嚴和才能。Jono的治療手法, 主要是透過調理身心和思想, 以最自然的方式配合心理治療學的技巧, 助人重拾自我和勇氣, 達至以多方位思考困難和人生, 找到解決辦法和目標。Jono李先生將治療重點放在讓人感到舒坦, 安寧, 重拾力量, 重建盼望。

在認知行治療的基礎上, Jono李先生揉合各種的治療技巧,如抑鬱, 焦慮治療, 藝術治療, 戀愛關係輔導, 自我調理療法, 適應障礙治療, 成癮行治療, 創傷處理治療, 自我形象提升療法, 工作壓力應對療法,家庭關係修復治療, 兒童成長管問題治療等等。Jono 李先生期待與同行, 一起走出困難的日子, 邁向新的陽光。

專門 (Specialty)

Jono李先生在美國接受了專業而全面的臨床心理治療訓練, 受訓地點包括醫療設施, 社會福利機構, 中小學校及無家者庇護所等。Jono李先生在美國西雅圖取得社會工作學碩士學位, 與及臨床精神護理治療師資格後, 曾在學校, 醫院, 日間護理, 家庭服務中心, 及不同的社會服務單位中工作, 曾服務的對象遍及各個年齡層。Jono李先生的臨床經驗廣闊,治療對象包括抑鬱症、焦慮症、適應障礙、成癮行, 深層創傷, 及兒童心理障礙 (例:自閉症, 過度活躍/專注力不足症, 拒學, 管困難等) 的受助者及其家人。 


專業註冊 (Professional Licenses and Credentials)

美國華盛頓州 – 註冊臨床精神護理治療師執照 

(Licensed Mental Health Counselor)

美國華盛頓州 – 註冊獨立臨床治療社會工作者執照 

(Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker)

美國華盛頓州 – 兒童精神護理治療專家 

(Child Mental Health Specialist)

美國華盛頓州 – 少數族裔精神護理治療專家 

(Ethnic Minority Mental Health Specialist)